International camp

We are bringing you International camp of Craniosacral Yoga for instructors and therapist. For more information please look at the […]

What is Craniosacral Yoga®?

It all started many years ago when a young doctor John E. Upledger was assisting during a spine operation and […]

Accepting the present moment

The principle of craniosacral yoga is simple. The rhythm, which is regular and strong enough, can create the chemistry of […]


The body is a perfect biodynamic-mechanical system controlled by brain. Mind is everywhere. Craniosacral yoga works with mechanisms which are […]


Francis L. Minerve, the author of Craniosacral yoga®, was inspired by her extensive experience of the craniosacral therapist and by […]

7 pillars of Craniosacral Yoga®

“A STILL POINT TRIGGER” A special prop called “a still point trigger” is used for the still point induction resulting […]

Dark therapy

“There were three of us in the darkness. My mind, my body and myself.” R. Novák The darkness as such […]